18th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions; Pisa, 30 August – 3 September 2021
Resilience can be considered as the ability to counteract or absorb a process of transformation. It is also characterized by a capacity to endure changes without having to adapt permanently, an ability to find what best suits new environmental conditions; and an awareness of how to cope with a crisis. In this sense, religion – whether in its institutionalized forms or just as a simple belief in any relationship with a super-human agency – represents a powerful tool for reacting to difficult situations and establishing a relationship with the sacred thanks to the interaction between spirituality, mindfulness, empathy and the emotions.
Marco Pasi (Head of the HHP Centre) will organise a panel together with Henrik Bogdan with the title “Resilient Esotericism”.
Manon Hedenborg White, Guest researcher at the HHP Centre, will be presenting a paper.