Faculty of Humanities
University of Amsterdam

EASR conference Vilnius: 4-8 September 2023: Religions and Technologies

The European Association for the Study of Religions EASR holds the conference “Religions and Technologies” 4-8 September in Vilnius.
Dr. Marco Pasi, head of the HHP centre will present a paper; Giulio Dalla Grana, PhD student at the HHP centre, co-organized a panel, a.o. with Piero Latino, a visiting PhD student at HHP last year.

Throughout most of the history of the study of religion, there has been a latent tendency among scholars to see religion and technology as not just separate phenomena, but sometimes as mutually antagonistic. Nevertheless, in recent decades, scholars have advanced a more nuanced understanding of this relationship, depending on which particular aspects are being considered.

For more information view this link.

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