
Faculty of Humanities
University of Amsterdam

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Faculty of Humanities
University of Amsterdam

Inaugural lecture 11-11-2022: Daniëlle Slootjes

On Friday 11 November 2022 Daniëlle Slootjes will give her inaugural lecture as professor of Ancient History, with the title "Grenzeloze Oudheid" (Boundless Antiquity). The lecture will take place in the aula of the University of Amsterdam, Singel 411, at 4:30 PM. The lecture can be followed online as well, the link will appear in the agenda of the University soon.

On Friday 11 November 2022 Daniëlle Slootjes will give her inaugural lecture as professor of Ancient History, with the title “Grenzeloze Oudheid” (Boundless Antiquity). The lecture will take place in the aula of the University of Amsterdam, Singel 411, at 4:30 PM. The lecture can be followed online as well, the link will appear in the agenda of the University soon.

Daniëlle Slootjes is head of the capacitygroup Religious Studies, of which the HHP centre is part.
Previously, Daniëlle was an assistant professor of Ancient History in the History department of Radboud University. Partly due to her own positive experiences during many stays abroad, she has, in recent years, been very involved in  the development of an international academic environment for students, characterised by an inclusive international classroom.

For more information (in Dutch) about the lecture follow this link.

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