
Faculty of Humanities
University of Amsterdam

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Faculty of Humanities
University of Amsterdam

SHAC Postgraduate Workshop: Geographies of Alchemy and Chemistry

SHAC Postgraduate Workshop: Geographies of Alchemy and Chemistry

Datum: October 24, 2014

For the first time, the annual postgraduate workshop of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC) will take place outside the United Kingdom, at the University of Amsterdam. The workshop offers postgraduate students and early-career researchers the opportunity to share ideas, explore methodological issues and network in a stimulating atmosphere.

The theme for 2014, ‘Geographies of Alchemy and Chemistry’, seeks to explore how spatial context shaped the theory, practice and development of alchemy and chemistry. Spatial context may be construed as (but is not limited to) city, region, nation; centre or periphery; public or private space; site or architectural environment. It is further distinguished by practical, theoretical, national, political, religious, intellectual and cultural factors. The workshop will examine to which extent space and geography affected historical developments in alchemy and chemistry.

Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Peter J. Forshaw (University of Amsterdam)
Prof. Dr. Lissa Roberts (University of Twente)

We would like to invite papers (between 15 and 20 minutes) on topics related to the workshop theme in any historical period. Please submit an abstract (200 words) by email to the SHAC student representatives, Mike A. Zuber and Judith Mawer (studentrep@ambix.org). The deadline for proposals is15 June 2014. Presenters should either be currently enrolled as postgraduate students or active as junior researchers (within three years of PhD completion).

Possible topics include but are by no means limited to:

  • exemplary cases from specific geographical contexts.
  • mobility in people, objects, ideas and practices.
  • relations between centre and periphery.
  • sites and locations of alchemy and chemistry.

The workshop is free of charge. Bursaries are available towards the cost of travel and/or accommodation for confirmed presenters in the first instance.

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Studying at HHP

A complete study program in Western esotericism.

The HHP Centre is fully integrated in the University of Amsterdam’s educational system.