
Faculty of Humanities
University of Amsterdam

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Faculty of Humanities
University of Amsterdam

IFW II: Emblemata of the Atalanta Fugiens (Forshaw)

In collaboration with the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica

“The Emblemata of the Atalanta Fugiens“, by Peter Forshaw

In the second lecture of the Infinite Fire Webinar series, Peter explores the enigmatic emblems of Michael Maier’s Atalanta Fugiens a work published for the first time in 1617. Peter places Maier in the context of 16th and 17th century alchemy, emblematics, the Rosicrucian furore, early printing culture, and the broader political contexts of  continental Europe and the British Isles. He also goes through a few of the book’s 50 emblems.


Infinite Fire Interview